Speedback Friday

By Kristofer Palmvik ·
  • Work Culture and Productivity
  • Hemnet

Every other Friday at 10.30, everyone at Hemnet has a great opportunity to give and receive feedback.

The concept is called Speedback Friday and it combines the beautiful force of feedback with the fast and energizing idea of speed dating.

If you want quick feedback on something, this is your chance! It could be anything really: a back of a napkin drawing, a working prototype, or an email you plan to send to a customer. Whatever it is, just bring it and get ready to present it at one of the tables in the kitchen area. You will get a lot of valuable feedback from different people visiting your table during the next 30 minutes. Typically there are 3–5 people presenting.

If you don't have anything you want feedback on today, just gather at one of the tables. It's speedback time! Each round lasts around 7 minutes, depending on the number of people presenting. When the time is up it is time to rotate to the next table to give feedback on something else. This is repeated until you have given feedback at all the tables.

Speedback Friday was originally invented and introduced by our former agile coach Peter Bernhardsson, something we are very happy for!

Speedback Friday was first published 2019‑02‑18